Wednesday 3 April 2013

Final week SLOG

So just having finished Assignment 3, I've realized that i have no idea how to tackle Halt problems. I could figure out how to do it with class samples and even tutorials, but for some reason i couldn't figure it out for this assignment. I feel confident with all the material, from multiple function problems, to functions about limits. OK, limits problems still give me some trouble, but I can still manage. I would love a review session in between now and the time of the exam, just to refresh everything, not forget what we've have learned, and clear up what troubles ail us in this course. Hopefully I'll be all caught up by Friday so I'm not completely lost on the final lecture. Something that made my life easier was plotting graphs for the problems, I could physically see what would work and what wouldn't, sure helped a lot for this assignment. Well now all that is left is the final exam, and this is something i have to do fantastic on, so any problems I have, I will be attending office hours (still hoping for a surprise review session). Well, GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE ON THE FINAL EXAM AND ASSIGNMENT.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Assignment 2 week.

Well I had realized that I'm so far behind in class. I'm having so much trouble with the material so far and it all just keeps coming and coming. I guess it's not just this course, but all my courses combine. I had so much trouble getting my assignment done because I had so many others do for other classes. Well, i did what I could, I just know i could have done better if i wasn't so far behind. I need to start going to office hours, make friend with people in the class, because i can't do this by myself. Especially now that we have a midterm in a week. I have to work on all my proofs, especially proofs with arithmatics and limits. From there, I'll tackle all the new stuff like counting steps in an algorithm an so forth. Just wish we had sample problems to do to help us learn the material.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Slog Number 4

So after midterm panics and assignments all done in the last 2 weeks, I have fallen behind on lectures and material, so I'm having such a hard time with proofs. The only thing i can do is just re-read all the lectures, go to tutorials, read the e-book, and if all else fails, office hours is my last choice to catch up with the material. Good thing there is a lot of time during reading week to catch up, hopefully that's all I'll need to catch up, or even get ahead in the course.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Slog #2

Now things are starting to get a bit more complicated in this course, I'm having trouble understanding the lectures on logic. I'm waiting to see if Friday's lecture will bring everything together, and I have reviewed the previous lectures over and over and things are getting easier to understand. If by Friday I'm still having trouble, I will go to office hours. The most trouble I'm having with is Negation. Other than this I've been focused on the assignment. The assignment is pretty straight forward, any questions i have will be taken care of at office hours or tutorial.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

CSC165 so far has been an interesting course, thought at the moment I doesn't seem to difficult, however it's just the beginning of the semester, so I have a feeling it wont stay like that. In the past few lectures I've learned how read symbols to form a sentence, it seemed so much harder before, because I had no idea what they meant and the looked to complicated to grasp at first look, but just by listening to the prof and paying attention I was able to grasp the idea. I even used what I learned there for an other course I'm taking and it made it so much easier to understand. I haven't experienced any difficulty so far, and I plan to keep it that way by trying to stay on top of my work and not fall behind or procrastinate. I didn't know what to expect for the tutorial this week, but it wasn't too helpful. My TA was good, but I didn't find it useful because the topic we covered was so basic. Hopefully, It isn't me who is fully wrong about everything we've learned. The most frustrating thing was this SLOG, just because I didn't know how to go about doing this, but I've done it now, and hope this is the right method.